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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
▼ featool | |
► core | |
assemblea.m | ASSEMBLEA Finite element assembly of bilinear forms |
assembleconstr.m | ASSEMBLECONSTR Assemble integral constraints |
assemblef.m | ASSEMBLEF Finite element assembly of linear form (rhs/load vector) |
assemblej.m | ASSEMBLEJ Finite element assembly of Jacobian forms |
assemblenjac.m | ASSEMBLENJAC Assembly of defect and Newton Jacobian |
assembleprob.m | ASSEMBLEPROB Assembly of system matrix and right hand side/load vector |
assemjac.m | ASSEMJAC Assemble monolithic Jacobian matrix |
assemmat.m | ASSEMMAT Assemble monolithic matrix |
bdrneu.m | BDRNEU Compute Neumann (flux) boundary condition vector |
bdrrob.m | BDRROB Compute Robin boundary condition contributions |
bdrsetd.m | BDRSETD Set Dirichlet boundary conditions |
edgset.m | EDGSET Set Dirichlet edge constraints |
evaldvar.m | EVALDVAR Evaluates a dependent variable in a point on a group of cells |
evalexpr0.m | EVALEXPR0 Evaluates an expression in a point on a group of cells |
evalexprdof.m | EVALEXPRDOF Evaluates an expression in the degrees of freedom |
evalexprp.m | EVALEXPRP Evaluates an expression in the grid points |
evalinit.m | EVALINIT Calculates initial solution vector from given expressions |
evalsfun.m | EVALSFUN Shape function evaluation driver subroutine |
gradient_recovery.m | GRADIENT_RECOVERY Gradient recovery with L2 projection |
mapdofbdr.m | MAPDOFBDR Create degree of freedom and boundary maps |
pntset.m | PNTSET Set Dirichlet point constraints |
pntsetf.m | PNTSETF Assemble point source terms |
tfjac.m | TFJAC Computes transformation Jacobian and determinant |
► ellib | |
sf_disc0.m | SF_DISC0 Constant discontinuous shape function |
sf_disc1.m | SF_DISC1 Linear discontinuous shape function (P1) |
sf_hex_Q1.m | SF_HEX_Q1 Trilinear conforming shape function for hexahedrons (Q1) |
sf_hex_Q1nc.m | SF_HEX_Q1NC Trilinear nonconforming shape function for hexahedrons (Q1~) |
sf_hex_Q2.m | SF_HEX_Q2 Triquadratic conforming shape function for hexahedrons (Q2) |
sf_hex_Q3.m | SF_HEX_Q3 Tricubic conforming shape function for hexahedrons (Q3) |
sf_hex_Q4.m | SF_HEX_Q4 Triquartic conforming shape function for hexahedrons (Q4) |
sf_hex_Q5.m | SF_HEX_Q5 Triquintic conforming shape function for hexahedrons (Q5) |
sf_lagmp.m | SF_LAGMP Constant lagrange multiplier |
sf_line_H3.m | SF_LINE_H3 Third order 1D C1 Hermite shape functions for lines |
sf_line_P3.m | SF_LINE_P3 1D Third order Lagrange shape functions for lines (P3) |
sf_line_P4.m | SF_LINE_P4 1D Fourth order Lagrange shape functions for lines (P4) |
sf_line_P5.m | SF_LINE_P5 1D Fifth order Lagrange shape functions for lines (P5) |
sf_quad_H3.m | SF_QUAD_H3 Third order 2D C1 Hermite shape function for quadrilaterals |
sf_quad_Q1.m | SF_QUAD_Q1 Bilinear conforming shape function for quadrilaterals (Q1) |
sf_quad_Q1nc.m | SF_QUAD_Q1NC Bilinear nonconforming shape function for quadrilaterals (Q1~) |
sf_quad_Q2.m | SF_QUAD_Q2 Biquadratic conforming shape function for quadrilaterals (Q2) |
sf_quad_Q3.m | SF_QUAD_Q3 Bicubic conforming shape function for quadrilaterals (Q3) |
sf_quad_Q4.m | SF_QUAD_Q4 Biquartic conforming shape function for quadrilaterals (Q4) |
sf_quad_Q5.m | SF_QUAD_Q5 Biquintic conforming shape function for quadrilaterals (Q5) |
sf_simp_N1.m | SF_SIMP_N1 Linear vector (Nedelec) curl shape function for simplices |
sf_simp_P1.m | SF_SIMP_P1 Linear Lagrange shape function for simplices (P1) |
sf_simp_P1bub.m | SF_SIMP_P1BUB Linear Lagrange shape function for simplices with bubble (P1+) |
sf_simp_P1nc.m | SF_SIMP_P1NC Linear nonconforming shape function for simplices (P-1) |
sf_simp_P2.m | SF_SIMP_P2 Quadratic Lagrange shape function for simplices (P2) |
sf_simp_P2bub.m | SF_SIMP_P2BUB Quadratic Lagrange shape function for simplices with bubble (P2+) |
sf_simp_RT1.m | SF_SIMP_RT1 Linear vector (Raviart-Thomas) divergence shape function for simplices |
sf_tet_P3.m | SF_TET_P3 Third order Lagrange shape functions for tetrahedra (P3) |
sf_tet_P4.m | SF_TET_P4 Fourth order Lagrange shape functions for tetrahedra (P4) |
sf_tet_P5.m | SF_TET_P5 Fifth order Lagrange shape functions for tetrahedra (P5) |
sf_tri_H3.m | SF_TRI_H3 Third order 2D C1 Hermite shape functions for triangles |
sf_tri_P3.m | SF_TRI_P3 Third order Lagrange shape functions for triangles (P3) |
sf_tri_P4.m | SF_TRI_P4 Fourth order Lagrange shape functions for triangles (P4) |
sf_tri_P5.m | SF_TRI_P5 Fifth order Lagrange shape functions for triangles (P5) |
sflag1.m | SFLAG1 Shape function driver (first order P1/Q1 Lagrange polynomials) |
sflag2.m | SFLAG2 Shape function driver (second order P2/Q2 Lagrange polynomials) |
sflag3.m | SFLAG3 Shape function driver (third order P3/Q3 Lagrange polynomials) |
sflag4.m | SFLAG4 Shape function driver (fourth order P4/Q4 Lagrange polynomials) |
sflag5.m | SFLAG5 Shape function driver (fifth order P5/Q5 Lagrange polynomials) |
sfnoncon1.m | SFNONCON1 Shape function driver (first order P1/Q1 Lagrange polynomials) |
sfnonconp1.m | SFNONCONP1 Shape function driver (first order P1 Lagrange polynomials) |
► examples | |
ex_axistressstrain1.m | EX_AXISTRESSSTRAIN1 Example for hollow cylider axisymmetric stress-strain |
ex_axistressstrain2.m | EX_AXISTRESSSTRAIN2 Example for a pressurized hollow sphere axisymmetric stress-strain |
ex_axistressstrain3.m | EX_AXISTRESSSTRAIN3 Disc with fixed edge and central point load axisymmetric stress-strain |
ex_axistressstrain4.m | EX_AXISTRESSSTRAIN4 Axisymmetric heat induced stress for a brake disk |
ex_axistressstrain5.m | EX_AXISTRESSSTRAIN5 Axisymmetric vibration modes of a hollow cylinder |
ex_brinkman1.m | EX_BRINKMAN1 Coupled Navier-Stokes and Brinkman equations model |
ex_classicpde1.m | EX_CLASSICPDE1 Eigenmodes for a circular drum |
ex_classicpde2.m | EX_CLASSICPDE2 Eigenmodes for a L-shaped membrane |
ex_compressibleeuler1.m | EX_COMPRESSIBLEEULER1 SOD Shock tube example |
ex_compressibleeuler2.m | EX_COMPRESSIBLEEULER2 2D Steady oblique shock wave |
ex_compressibleeuler3.m | EX_COMPRESSIBLEEULER3 2D Steady reflected shock problem |
ex_compressibleeuler4.m | EX_COMPRESSIBLEEULER4 2D Compressible inviscid flow over a bump |
ex_compressibleeuler5.m | EX_COMPRESSIBLEEULER5 3D Compressible inviscid flow over a bump |
ex_compressibleeuler6.m | EX_COMPRESSIBLEEULER6 2D Compressible inviscid flow past a wedge |
ex_convdiff1.m | EX_CONVDIFF1 2D Convection and diffusion equation example on a rectangle |
ex_convdiff2.m | EX_CONVDIFF2 1D Time dependent convection and diffusion equation example |
ex_convdiff3.m | EX_CONVDIFF3 1D Time dependent convection and diffusion equation example |
ex_convdiff4.m | EX_CONVDIFF4 1D Burgers equation (convection and diffusion) example |
ex_convdiff5.m | EX_CONVDIFF5 2D Convection and diffusion equation with high Peclet number |
ex_convdiff6.m | EX_CONVDIFF6 1D Stationary convection and diffusion equation example |
ex_convreact1.m | EX_CONVREACT1 1D Time dependent convection-reaction equation example |
ex_custom_equation1.m | EX_CUSTOM_EQUATION1 1D Black-Scholes custom equation example |
ex_darcy1.m | EX_DARCY1 Darcy's law for a porous packed bed reactor |
ex_diffusion1.m | EX_DIFFUSION1 2D Diffusion equation example on a unit square |
ex_diffusion2.m | EX_DIFFUSION2 1D Time dependent diffusion equation examples |
ex_eddycurrents1.m | EX_EDDYCURRENTS1 2D Eddy currents test example |
ex_eddycurrents2.m | EX_EDDYCURRENTS2 3D Eddy currents test example |
ex_electrostatics1.m | EX_ELECTROSTATICS1 Electrostatic test example |
ex_electrostatics2.m | EX_ELECTROSTATICS2 Axisymmetric model of a spherical capacitor |
ex_euler_beam1.m | EX_EULER_BEAM1 1D Euler-Bernoulli beam model example |
ex_euler_beam2.m | EX_EULER_BEAM2 1D Euler-Bernoulli beam model example |
ex_euler_beam3.m | EX_EULER_BEAM3 1D Euler-Bernoulli beam vibration example |
ex_fluidstructure1.m | EX_FLUIDSTRUCTURE1 Fluid-structure interaction static elastic beam |
ex_fluidstructure2.m | EX_FLUIDSTRUCTURE2 Fluid-structure interaction for an elastic beam |
ex_fluidstructure3.m | EX_FLUIDSTRUCTURE3 Fluid-structure interaction - elastic beam |
ex_fluidstructure4.m | EX_FLUIDSTRUCTURE4 Fluid-structure interaction - elastic beam |
ex_heat_exchanger1.m | EX_HEAT_EXCHANGER1 Example of free and forced convection around a heated cylinder |
ex_heat_exchanger2.m | EX_HEAT_EXCHANGER2 Multi-Simulation heat exchanger |
ex_heattransfer1.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER1 2D ceramic strip with radiation and convection |
ex_heattransfer10.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER10 Conjugate heat transfer test example with multiple domains |
ex_heattransfer2.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER2 1D Stationary heat transfer with radiation |
ex_heattransfer3.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER3 1D Transient heat conduction |
ex_heattransfer4.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER4 2D Heat transfer with convective cooling |
ex_heattransfer5.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER5 2D Transient cooling and shrink fitting example |
ex_heattransfer6.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER6 2D axisymmetric heat conduction |
ex_heattransfer7.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER7 1D Transient heat diffusion with analytic solution |
ex_heattransfer8.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER8 Space-time heat diffusion with analytic solution |
ex_heattransfer9.m | EX_HEATTRANSFER9 1D Transient heat diffusion with a point source |
ex_laplace1.m | EX_LAPLACE1 2D Laplace equation example on a unit square |
ex_laplace2.m | EX_LAPLACE2 2D Laplace equation on a circle with nonzero boundary conditions |
ex_linearelasticity1.m | EX_LINEARELASTICITY1 Example for solid stress-strain on a cube |
ex_linearelasticity2.m | EX_LINEARELASTICITY2 Example for deflection of a bracket |
ex_linearelasticity3.m | EX_LINEARELASTICITY3 Parametric study for the bracket deflection model |
ex_linearelasticity4.m | EX_LINEARELASTICITY4 Stress calculation of an I-beam attached to two brackets |
ex_linearelasticity5.m | EX_LINEARELASTICITY5 Vibration of a square plate |
ex_linearelasticity6.m | EX_LINEARELASTICITY6 NAFEMS LE6 skew plate benchmark |
ex_magnetostatics1.m | EX_MAGNETOSTATICS1 Magnetostatic test example |
ex_magnetostatics2.m | EX_MAGNETOSTATICS2 Magnetic field around a horseshoe magnet |
ex_magnetostatics3.m | EX_MAGNETOSTATICS3 3D Cylindrical magnet example |
ex_magnetostatics4.m | EX_MAGNETOSTATICS4 2D Axisymmetric cylindrical magnet example |
ex_magnetostatics5.m | EX_MAGNETOSTATICS5 Magnetic field test model |
ex_multiphase1.m | EX_MULTIPHASE1 Static bubble example |
ex_multiphase2.m | EX_MULTIPHASE2 Multiphase flow rising bubble example |
ex_multiphase3.m | EX_MULTIPHASE3 Breaking dam multiphase flow example |
ex_natural_convection.m | EX_NATURAL_CONVECTION 2D Example for natural convection of air in a square cavity |
ex_navierstokes1.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES1 2D Example for incompressible stationary flow in a channel |
ex_navierstokes10.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES10 3D Example for stationary flow in a pipe |
ex_navierstokes11.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES11 3D Example flow in a cubcic cavity |
ex_navierstokes12.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES12 3D Example flow over a backwards facing step |
ex_navierstokes13.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES13 3D Example flow past a cylinder |
ex_navierstokes14.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES14 Axisymmetric flow in a pipe due to pressure difference |
ex_navierstokes15.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES15 2D Channel flow driven by periodic pressure difference |
ex_navierstokes16.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES16 2D Example for stationary flow around a cylinder with an attached beam |
ex_navierstokes17.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES17 2D Example for incompressible turbulent flow in a channel |
ex_navierstokes1b.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES1B 2D Channel flow CFD benchmark |
ex_navierstokes2.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES2 2D Example for incompressible flow in a square cavity |
ex_navierstokes2b.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES2B 2D Driven cavity CFD benchmark |
ex_navierstokes3.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES3 2D Example for incompressible stationary flow around a cylinder |
ex_navierstokes3b.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES3B 2D Flow around cylinder CFD benchmark |
ex_navierstokes4.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES4 2D Example for incompressible flow over a backwards facing step |
ex_navierstokes5.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES5 2D Vortex flow with analytical solution |
ex_navierstokes6.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES6 2D incompressible time-dependent flow around a cylinder |
ex_navierstokes7.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES7 3D Example for incompressible stationary flow in a curved pipe |
ex_navierstokes8.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES8 2D Example for axisymmetric incompressible stationary flow in a constricted circular pipe |
ex_navierstokes8b.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES8B Axisymmtric laminar pipe flow benchmark |
ex_navierstokes9.m | EX_NAVIERSTOKES9 2D Axisymmetric jet impingement with heat transfer |
ex_nonlinear_pde1.m | EX_NONLINEAR_PDE1 1D nonlinear PDE example |
ex_nonlinear_pde2.m | EX_NONLINEAR_PDE2 2D nonlinear PDE example |
ex_nonnewtonian1.m | EX_NONNEWTONIAN1 2D Example for non-Newtonian flow in a channel |
ex_periodic1.m | EX_PERIODIC1 1D Example of pulse in a periodic line |
ex_periodic2.m | EX_PERIODIC2 2D Periodic Poisson equation example |
ex_piezoelectric1.m | EX_PIEZOELECTRIC1 Piezoelectric bending of a beam example |
ex_planestrain1.m | EX_PLANESTRAIN1 Plane strain analysis of a pressure vessel |
ex_planestrain2.m | EX_PLANESTRAIN2 Plane strain analysis of a pressure vessel |
ex_planestress1.m | EX_PLANESTRESS1 Example for plane stress for hole in plate |
ex_planestress2.m | EX_PLANESTRESS2 NAFEMS benchmark challenge 1 plane stress example |
ex_planestress3.m | EX_PLANESTRESS3 NAFEMS benchmarks IC1-4 linear static stress analysis of a tapered membrane |
ex_planestress4.m | EX_PLANESTRESS4 Example of thermally induced stress |
ex_planestress5.m | EX_PLANESTRESS5 Plane stress example for an elliptic membrane |
ex_planestress6.m | EX_PLANESTRESS6 Plane stress analysis of a pressure vessel |
ex_planestress7.m | EX_PLANESTRESS7 Thermally induced displacements on a rectangle |
ex_poisson1.m | EX_POISSON1 1D Poisson equation example |
ex_poisson2.m | EX_POISSON2 2D Poisson equation example on a circle |
ex_poisson3.m | EX_POISSON3 2D Poisson equation example on a unit square |
ex_poisson3_derivative.m | EX_POISSON3_DERIVATIVE Derivative interpolation function |
ex_poisson4.m | EX_POISSON4 2D Poisson equation example on a rectangle |
ex_poisson5.m | EX_POISSON5 3D Poisson equation example on a unit sphere |
ex_poisson6.m | EX_POISSON6 3D Poisson equation example on a unit cube |
ex_poisson7.m | EX_POISSON7 Poisson equation on a unit circle with a point source |
ex_poisson8.m | EX_POISSON8 2D Poisson equation example on a unit square with integral constraint |
ex_potential_flow1.m | EX_POTENTIAL_FLOW1 Potential flow around a NACA wing profile |
ex_resistive_heating1.m | EX_RESISTIVE_HEATING1 Resistive heating of a tungsten filament |
ex_resistive_heating2.m | EX_RESISTIVE_HEATING2 Resistive heating in a conducting plate |
ex_robinbc1.m | EX_ROBINBC1 1D Robin boundary condition example |
ex_schrodinger1.m | EX_SCHRODINGER1 Schrodinger equation for the Hydrogen atom |
ex_spanner.m | EX_SPANNER STL geometry import and stress calculation of a spanner |
ex_swirl_flow1.m | EX_SWIRL_FLOW1 2D Axisymmetric laminar swirl flow |
ex_swirl_flow2.m | EX_SWIRL_FLOW2 2D Axisymmetric swirl flow in step domain |
ex_swirl_flow3.m | EX_SWIRL_FLOW3 2D Axisymmetric Taylor-Couette (swirl) flow |
ex_swirl_flow4.m | EX_SWIRL_FLOW4 2D Rotating swirling flow around a disk |
ex_waveequation1.m | EX_WAVEEQUATION1 2D Wave equation example on a circle |
run_featool_benchmarks.m | RUN_FEATOOL_BENCHMARKS Run FEATool benchmark scripts |
► fenics | |
fenics.m | FENICS MATLAB FEniCS project FEA solver CLI interface |
fenics_data.m | FENICS_DATA FEATool to FEniCS data conversion |
fenics_import.m | FENICS_IMPORT Import data from FEniCS HDF5 file |
► geom | |
► public | |
geom_combine_objects.m | GEOM_COMBINE_OBJECTS Combine geometry objects |
geom_decompose.m | GEOM_DECOMPOSE Analyze and decompose geometry |
gobj_info.m | GOBJ_INFO Geometry object information |
copy_geometry_object.m | COPY_GEOMETRY_OBJECT Copy geometry object(s) with transformation |
geom_add_gobj.m | GEOM_ADD_GOBJ Add geometry object(s) to geom or fea struct |
geom_analyze.m | GEOM_ANALYZE Analyze geometry objects |
geom_apply_chamfer.m | GEOM_APPLY_CHAMFER Apply chamfer to geometry objects |
geom_apply_fillet.m | GEOM_APPLY_FILLET Apply fillet to geometry objects |
geom_apply_formula.m | GEOM_APPLY_FORMULA Apply formula to a geometry struct |
geom_apply_transformation.m | GEOM_APPLY_TRANSFORMATION Apply transformation to geometry objects |
geom_clean.m | GEOM_CLEAN Cleanup geometry objects |
geom_combine_curves.m | GEOM_COMBINE_CURVES Combine curves to solid |
geom_defeature.m | GEOM_DEFEATURE Defeature faces from geometry object |
geom_extrude_face.m | GEOM_EXTRUDE_FACE Extrude face to solid |
geom_loft_faces.m | GEOM_LOFT_FACES Loft faces to solid |
geom_revert_object.m | GEOM_REVERT_OBJECT Revert/undo geometry object operations |
geom_revolve_face.m | GEOM_REVOLVE_FACE Revolve face to solid |
geom_split_object.m | GEOM_SPLIT_OBJECT Split geometry object(s) by plane or line |
gobj_block.m | GOBJ_BLOCK Create block geometry object |
gobj_boundaries.m | GOBJ_BOUNDARIES Restore boundaries |
gobj_circle.m | GOBJ_CIRCLE Create circle geometry object |
gobj_cone.m | GOBJ_CONE Create cone geometry object |
gobj_curve.m | GOBJ_CURVE Create curve geometry object |
gobj_cylinder.m | GOBJ_CYLINDER Create cylinder geometry object |
gobj_ellipse.m | GOBJ_ELLIPSE Create ellipse geometry object |
gobj_ellipsoid.m | GOBJ_ELLIPSOID Create ellipsoid geometry object |
gobj_extrude.m | GOBJ_EXTRUDE Extrude face/geometry object |
gobj_line.m | GOBJ_LINE Create line geometry object |
gobj_naca.m | GOBJ_NACA Create NACA 4-series wing profile geometry object |
gobj_point.m | GOBJ_POINT Create point geometry object |
gobj_polygon.m | GOBJ_POLYGON Create polygon geometry object |
gobj_polyhedron.m | GOBJ_POLYHEDRON Create polyhedron geometry object |
gobj_rectangle.m | GOBJ_RECTANGLE Create rectangle geometry object |
gobj_revolve.m | GOBJ_REVOLVE Revolve face/geometry object |
gobj_sphere.m | GOBJ_SPHERE Create sphere geometry object |
gobj_spline.m | GOBJ_SPLINE Create spline curve geometry object |
gobj_torus.m | GOBJ_TORUS Create torus geometry object |
► grid | |
blockgrid.m | BLOCKGRID Generate 3D regular tensor product hexahedral grid |
circgrid.m | CIRCGRID Generate 2d quadrilateral grid for a circle |
cylgrid.m | CYLGRID Generate 3d cylindrical hexahedral grid |
delcells.m | DELCELLS Delete cells from grid |
findbdr.m | FINDBDR Find boundary indices for an expression |
gridadj.m | GRIDADJ Generate grid cell adjacency information |
gridbdr.m | GRIDBDR Generate grid boundary information |
gridbdre.m | GRIDBDRE Generate grid edge boundary information |
gridbdrx.m | GRIDBDRX Reconstruct interior boundaries |
gridcheck.m | GRIDCHECK Check grid for errors |
gridedge.m | GRIDEDGE Generate grid cell edge numbering |
gridextrude.m | GRIDEXTRUDE Extrude 2D grid to 3D |
gridface.m | GRIDFACE Generate grid cell face numbering |
gridgen_scale.m | GRIDGEN_SCALE Grid generation with scaling |
gridmerge.m | GRIDMERGE Merge two grids |
gridnormals.m | GRIDNORMALS Compute normal vectors |
gridrefine.m | GRIDREFINE Uniform refinement of a grid |
gridrevolve.m | GRIDREVOLVE Revolve and extrude a 2D grid |
gridrotate.m | GRIDROTATE Rotate grid |
gridscale.m | GRIDSCALE Scale a grid |
gridsmooth.m | GRIDSMOOTH Grid smoothing |
gridstat.m | GRIDSTAT Grid statistics |
gridvert.m | GRIDVERT Generate grid vertex adjacency map |
hex2tet.m | HEX2TET Convert hexahedra to tetrahedra |
holegrid.m | HOLEGRID Generate 2d rectangular grid with a circular hole |
linegrid.m | LINEGRID Generate 1D line grid |
quad2tri.m | QUAD2TRI Convert quadrilaterals to triangles |
rectgrid.m | RECTGRID Generate 2D rectangular tensor product quadrilateral grid |
ringgrid.m | RINGGRID Generate 2d grid of a ring |
selcells.m | SELCELLS Select cells from expression |
spheregrid.m | SPHEREGRID Generate 3d hexahedral grid for a sphere |
tet2hex.m | TET2HEX Convert tetrahedra to hexahedra |
tri2quad.m | TRI2QUAD Convert triangles to quadrilaterals |
► impexp | |
export_csv.m | EXPORT_CSV Export grid and data in CSV format |
export_ply.m | EXPORT_PLY Export geometry in PLY format |
export_su2.m | EXPORT_SU2 Export grid in SU2 format |
export_xls.m | EXPORT_XLS Export grid and data in Excel format |
foam2grid.m | |
geo2geom.m | GEO2GEOM Generate geometry objects from Gmsh geo file |
geom2geo.m | GEOM2GEO Generate GEO geometry data for use with Gmsh |
geom2poly.m | GEOM2POLY Generate poly data for use with Triangle |
grid2foam.m | FOAM2GRID Convert and import an OpenFOAM mesh |
impexp_cad.m | IMPEXP_CAD Import/export geometry in CAD formats |
impexp_dolfin.m | |
impexp_gid.m | IMPEXP_GID Import/export grid in GID msh format |
impexp_gmsh.m | IMPEXP_GMSH Import/export grid in GMSH format |
impexp_hdf5.m | IMPEXP_HDF5 Import/export grid FEniCS HDF5 format |
impexp_obj.m | IMPEXP_OBJ Import/export geometry in OBJ format |
impexp_stl.m | IMPEXP_STL Import/export geometry or grid in STL format |
impexp_triangle.m | IMPEXP_TRIANGLE Import/export grid data in Triangle format |
impexp_vtk.m | EXPORT_VTK Export grid and data in VTK format |
impexp_vtp.m | EXPORT_VTP Export grid and data in VTP format |
import_foam.m | IMPORT_FOAM Import OpenFOAM field from file |
import_img.m | IMPORT_IMG Import and convert image to geometry |
mesh_analyze.m | MESH_ANALYZE 3D surface mesh analysis and feature recognition |
mesh_repair.m | MESH_REPAIR Repair 3D surface mesh |
► openfoam | |
► dict | |
openfoam_dict_alphat.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_ALPHAT Generate OpenFOAM alphat initial and boundary condition dictionaries |
openfoam_dict_changeDictionaryDict.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_CHANGEDICTIONARYDICT Generate OpenFOAM changeDictionaryDict dictionary |
openfoam_dict_collapseDict.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_COLLAPSEDICT Generate OpenFOAM collapseDict dictionary |
openfoam_dict_controlDict.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_CONTROLDICT Generate OpenFOAM controlDict dictionary |
openfoam_dict_epsilon.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_EPSILON Generate OpenFOAM epsilon initial and boundary condition dictionaries |
openfoam_dict_fvSchemes.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_FVSCHEMES Generate OpenFOAM fvSchemes dictionary |
openfoam_dict_fvSolution.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_FVSOLUTION Generate OpenFOAM fvSolution dictionary |
openfoam_dict_g.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_G Generate OpenFOAM gravity dictionary |
openfoam_dict_k.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_K Generate OpenFOAM k initial and boundary condition dictionaries |
openfoam_dict_meshQualityDict.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_MESHQUALITYDICT Generate OpenFOAM meshQualityDict dictionary |
openfoam_dict_nut.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_NUT Generate OpenFOAM nut initial and boundary condition dictionaries |
openfoam_dict_nuTilda.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_NUTILDA Generate OpenFOAM nuTilda initial and boundary condition dictionaries |
openfoam_dict_omega.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_OMEGA Generate OpenFOAM omega initial and boundary condition dictionaries |
openfoam_dict_p.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_P Generate OpenFOAM p initial and boundary condition dictionaries |
openfoam_dict_polyMesh.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_POLYMESH Generate OpenFOAM polyMesh dictionaries |
openfoam_dict_radiationProperties.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_RADIATIONPROPERTIES Generate OpenFOAM radiationProperties dictionary |
openfoam_dict_regionProperties.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_REGIONPROPERTIES Generate OpenFOAM regionProperties dictionary |
openfoam_dict_T.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_T Generate OpenFOAM T initial and boundary condition dictionaries |
openfoam_dict_thermophysicalProperties.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_THERMOPHYSICALPROPERTIES Generate OpenFOAM thermophysicalProperties dictionary |
openfoam_dict_transportProperties.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_TRANSPORTPROPERTIES Generate OpenFOAM transportProperties dictionary |
openfoam_dict_turbulenceProperties.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_TURBULENCEPROPERTIES Generate OpenFOAM turbulenceProperties dictionary |
openfoam_dict_U.m | OPENFOAM_DICT_U Generate OpenFOAM U initial and boundary condition dictionaries |
► util | |
openfoam_data_def_opt.m | OPENFOAM_DATA_DEF_OPT Default OpenFOAM data options |
openfoam_read.m | OPENFOAM_READ Read OpenFOAM dictionary |
openfoam_write.m | OPENFOAM_WRITE Write OpenFOAM dictionary |
turbulence_inletbccalc.m | TURBULENCE_INLETBCCALC Compute turbulence quantities for inlet boundaries |
openfoam.m | OPENFOAM OpenFOAM CFD solver interface |
openfoam_data.m | OPENFOAM_DATA Parse and convert fea struct OpenFOAM data options |
openfoam_export.m | OPENFOAM_EXPORT Export OpenFOAM grid and problem data |
openfoam_import.m | OPENFOAM_IMPORT Import OpenFOAM solution data |
openfoam_solve.m | OPENFOAM_SOLVE Call external OpenFOAM solver |
► physmodes | |
addphys.m | ADDPHYS Parse and add physics mode to problem struct |
axistressstrain.m | AXISTRESSSTRAIN Axisymmetric stress-strain physics mode |
brinkmaneqns.m | BRINKMANEQNS Brinkman equations physics mode |
compressibleeuler.m | COMPRESSIBLEEULER Compressible Euler equations physics mode |
compressibleflow.m | COMPRESSIBLEFLOW Compressible viscous flow physics mode |
conductivemediadc.m | CONDUCTIVEMEDIADC Conductive media DC physics mode |
convectiondiffusion.m | CONVECTIONDIFFUSION Convection and diffusion physics mode definition |
customeqn.m | CUSTOMEQN Custom equation physics mode definition |
darcyslaw.m | DARCYSLAW Darcy's law physics mode |
electrostatics.m | ELECTROSTATICS Electrostatics physics mode |
eulerbeam.m | EULERBEAM 1D Euler-Bernoulli beam physics mode |
expandbdr.m | EXPANDBDR Expand physics mode boundary coefficients |
expandcoef.m | EXPANDCOEF Expand equation/boundary coefficients |
fluidstructure.m | FLUIDSTRUCTURE Fluid-structure interaction physics mode |
get_boundary_layers.m | GET_BOUNDARY_LAYERS Find boundary layers |
heattransfer.m | HEATTRANSFER Heat transfer physics mode definition |
linearelasticity.m | LINEARELASTICITY Linear elasticity physics mode |
magnetostatics.m | MAGNETOSTATICS Magnetostatics physics mode |
navierstokes.m | NAVIERSTOKES Navier-Stokes equations physics mode |
nonnewtonian.m | NONNEWTONIAN Non-Newtonian flow physics mode |
planestrain.m | PLANESTRAIN Plane strain physics mode |
planestress.m | PLANESTRESS Plane stress physics mode |
poisson.m | POISSON Poisson equation physics mode definition |
rmphys.m | RMPHYS Remove physics modes from problem struct |
swirlflow.m | SWIRLFLOW Axisymmetric swirl flow physics mode |
turbulent_mixing_length.m | TURBULENT_MIXING_LENGTH Computes turbulent mixing length |
► post | |
plotedg.m | PLOTEDG Boundary edges plot function |
postextrude.m | POSTEXTRUDE Extrude 2D fea data to 3D |
postrevolve.m | POSTREVOLVE Revolve axisymmetric 2D fea data to 3D |
princse.m | PRINCSE Compute principal stresses and strains |
► su2 | |
su2.m | SU2 MATLAB SU2 CFD solver CLI interface |
► util | |
feacache.m | FEACACHE FEATool data cache |
feacheckmex.m | FEACHECKMEX Check/test for valid mex file usage |
parseeqn.m | PARSEEQN Parse string equations and return eqn struct |
parseexpr.m | PARSEEXPR Parses a string expression |
parseopt.m | PARSEOPT Parse options |
parsephys.m | PARSEPHYS Check and parse physics modes |
parseprob.m | PARSEPROB Check and parse a problem struct |
setnan.m | SETNAN Set nan values |
addpaths.m | ADDPATHS Add/remove app directories to/from working paths |
evalexpr.m | EVALEXPR Evaluates an expression in specified points |
featool.m | Start FEATool Multiphysics |
fsisolve.m | FSISOLVE Solve fluid-structure interaction problem |
gridgen.m | GRIDGEN Grid and mesh generation for geometry objects |
intbdr.m | INTBDR Integation of expression over boundaries |
intsubd.m | INTSUBD Integate expression over subdomains |
minmaxbdr.m | MINMAXBDR Calculate boundary minima and maxima |
minmaxsubd.m | MINMAXSUBD Calculate subdomain minima and maxima |
plotbdr.m | PLOTBDR Boundary plot function |
plotgeom.m | PLOTGEOM Visualization of geometry objects |
plotgrid.m | PLOTGRID Grid plot function |
plotsubd.m | PLOTSUBD Subdomain plotting function |
postanimate.m | POSTANIMATE Plot and animate solution |
postplot.m | POSTPLOT Postprocessing and visualization function |
solveeig.m | SOLVEEIG Solve eigenvalue problem |
solvelin.m | SOLVELIN Solve linear system Ax=b |
solvestat.m | SOLVESTAT Solve stationary problem |
solvetime.m | SOLVETIME Solve time-dependent problem |