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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
GRIDEXTRUDE Extrude 2D grid to 3D.
[ GRID ] = GRIDEXTRUDE( GRID, NZ, LZ, AX ) Extrudes a 2D GRID to 3D. NZ is the number of cells in the direction of extrusion, and LZ the corresponding extrusion length. AX [-3..3] optionally rotates and aligns the extruded grid with the selected axis (default 3 which is the z-axis).
Gridextrude supports both extruding 2D quadrilateral grids to 3D hexahedra, and unstructured simplex triangular grids to tetrahedra (via first extruding to prisms and then splitting each prism into three tetrahedra).
1) Extrude a ring to form a tube. grid = ringgrid( 2, 16 ); grid = gridextrude( grid, 10, 5, 3 ); 2) Extrude a composite grid by a length of 3 (in the positive x-direction, AX=1). grid = holegrid( 6, 5 ); grid = delcells( grid, '((x>0).*(y>0))==0' ); grid = gridextrude( grid, 12, 3, 1 ) 3) Generate unstructured circuit board grid. ro = 0.003; % Outer circle diameter. ri = ro/2; % Inner circle diameter. co1 = gobj_circle( [0.01,0.01], ro, 'CO1' ); % Circle 1. ci1 = gobj_circle( [0.01,0.01], ri, 'CI1' ); co2 = gobj_circle( [0.05,0.02], ro, 'CO2' ); % Circle 2. ci2 = gobj_circle( [0.05,0.02], ri, 'CI2' ); geom.objects = { co1 ci1 co2 ci2 }; % Remove inner holes from circles. geom = geom_apply_formula( geom, 'CO1-CI1' ); geom = geom_apply_formula( geom, 'CO2-CI2' ); r1 = gobj_rectangle( 0, 0.06, 0, 0.03, 'R1' ); % Base rectangle. geom.objects = [ geom.objects { r1 co1 co2 } ]; % Remove (outer) circles from base rectangle. geom = geom_apply_formula( geom, 'R1-CO1-CO2' ); w = 0.002/2; % Polygon for connecting conductive track. p = [ 0.01 0.02-w/2 0.03-w/2 0.05 0.05 0.03+w/2 0.02+w/2 0.01 ; 0.01+w 0.01+w 0.02+w 0.02+w 0.02-w 0.02-w 0.01-w 0.01-w ]; p1 = gobj_polygon( p', 'P1' ); geom.objects = [ geom.objects { p1 co1 co2 } ]; % Remove outer circles from conductive track. geom = geom_apply_formula( geom, 'P1-CO1-CO2' ); hmax = (ro-ri)/2; % 2D grid generation. grid = gridgen( geom, 'hmax', hmax ); grid = gridextrude( grid, 2, 0.002 ); % Extrude grid.