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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
SOLVESTAT Solve stationary problem.
[ U ] = SOLVESTAT( PROB, VARARGIN ) Solves the stationary problem described in the PROB finite element struct. Accepts the following property/value pairs.
Input Value/{Default} Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linsolv string/{mumps} Sparse linear solver backslash, mumps, gmres, bicgstab, amg nsolve scalar/{1} Non-linear solution method 1 - Fixed point (Picard) iteration 2 - Newton method <0 - |nsolve|-Picard steps before Newton jac scalar/struct {0} Newton Jacobian computation type struct - direct assembly using symbolic jac.form and jac.coef struct contents 0 - using numerical differentiation minnit scalar/{0} Minimum number of non-linear iterations maxnit scalar/{25} Maximum number of non-linear iterations nlrlx scalar/string/{1.0} Relaxation between non-linear iterations, scalar or string expr. ex 0.5*(1+(it>5)) nlinasm logical/{[0 0 0]} Force non-linear reassembly of A, f, bdrn toldef scalar/{1e-6} Stopping criteria for solution defects tolchg scalar/{1e-6} Stopping criteria for solution changes reldef logical/{0} Check relative defect changes relchg logical/{1} Check relative solution changes init u0|{expr}/{0} Initial value solution or expression solcomp {all dvars} Dep. variables/subdomains to solve for icub scalar/{auto} Cubature rule/order used in assembly Default 1+max(shape function order) isymm scalar/{0} Symmetrize BCs if applicable waitbar scalar/{0} Show waitbar fid scalar/{1} File identifier for output ([]=no output)