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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
IMPEXP_HDF5 Import/export grid FEniCS HDF5 format.
[ GRID ] = IMPEXP_HDF5( FILE_NAME, MODE, DATA, FID ) Import or export a FEniCS grid in hdf5 format. FILE_NAME is a string specifying the file to process. MODE can be a string indicating IMPORT (using automatic boundary reconstruction with gridbdr) which returns a FEATool grid struct. If mode is EXPORT, the grid or corresponding fea problem struct to export must be given in DATA. FID is an optional log file handle for message output (negative for gui output or empty for no output).
dataset grid entry size/type ------------------------------------------------------------- /mesh/cell_indices 0:n_c-1 n_c/int64 /mesh/coordinates grid.p [n_sdim,n_p]/double /mesh/topology sort(grid.c)-1 [n_v,n_c]/int64 /mesh/values grid.s-1 n_c/uint64 /boundary/coordinates grid.p [n_sdim,n_p]/double /boundary/topology gridedge/face [n_ef,n_c]/int64 /boundary/values grid.b(3,:) n_b/uint64 /edge/coordinates grid.p [3,n_p]/double /edge/topology gridbdre [2,n_c]/int64 /edge/values be(5,:) n_e/uint64 (only exported if DATA contains an .edg field)
1) Export and re-import of a unit circle grid. grid1 = quad2tri(circgrid()); impexp_hdf5( 'featool-fenics-mesh.h5', 'export', grid1 ) grid2 = impexp_hdf5( 'featool-fenics-mesh.h5', 'import' ) subplot(1,2,1), plotgrid(grid1), title('grid1') subplot(1,2,2), plotgrid(grid2), title('grid2') is_ok = gridcheck(grid2) == 0