FEATool Multiphysics

Model Showcases Showcase Models - Page 6

Shrink Fitting of an Assembly

Shrink Fitting of an Assembly

This example models shrink fitting of a two part assembly. A chilled tungsten rod is inserted into a slot in a heated steel frame. The rod can be fitted due to thermal expansion of the frame, and when the assembly reaches equilibrium temperature the two parts will be joined due to the ensuing pressure fit. The model …

Spherical Capacitor

Spherical Capacitor

Model of an electrostatic spherical capacitor. The example makes use of a 2D axisymmetric approximation with three subdomains, where an electric charge is applied between the middle insulating layer. For this configuration the analytic capacitance can be calculated as 4*πεrε0/dr, where dr is the thickness of the …

Stress Analysis of a Thick Plate

Stress Analysis of a Thick Plate

This is a benchmark and validation model for linear elasticity where an elliptical thick plate with a hole is subjected to a uniform pressure load of 106 MPa [1]. The outer surface is assumed to be constrained from expansion, in addition to the center line which is fixed in the z-direction. Symmetry is also utilized so …

Supersonic Flow Over an Obstacle

Supersonic Flow Over an Obstacle

Steady inviscid flow over a cylindrical bump using the compressible Euler equations. The flow at the inlet is supersonic with Ma = 1.4 resulting in a series of reflected shock waves as the flow hits the obstacle]. The obstacle could represent anything from a protrusion on an aircraft wing to a structural feature in a …

Transient Heat Diffusion in a Rod

Transient Heat Diffusion in a Rod

This example is a classic one-dimensional transient heat diffusion problem where a solid rod of unit length is kept at fixed temperature at the right end, T = 25, and losing heat from a constant outward heat flux qn = 1 at the other end. After the simulation the computed results can be compared with the analytic …

Two Material Wave Guide Interface

Two Material Wave Guide Interface

This example studies the interface between two different materials in a section of a wave guide. The change in material causes the waves to travel at different speeds. This changing diffraction pattern of the planar time harmonic waves can be investigated by using the Helmholtz equation for the amplitude of the waves A …

Vibration Modes of a Hollow Cylinder

Vibration Modes of a Hollow Cylinder

This model studies the vibration modes of a free and hollow cylinder using an axisymmetric approximation. No loads or constrains are applied as the free modes are sought. The cylinder is 10 m long, has a center diameter of 2 m, and is 0.4 m thick. Moreover, the material of the cylinder is considered to be steel with E …

Vibrations of a Circular Membrane

Vibrations of a Circular Membrane

This example computes the the vibration modes, eigenvalues, and frequencies for a circular drum or membrane. The membrane is modeled by the unit circle and assumed to be attached to a rigid frame. The Poisson PDE equation is used with the Eigenvalue solver to compute the solution. This model is available as an …

Vortex Flow

Vortex Flow

This example studies the time dependent decay from introducing standing vortices in a periodic domain. Due to the even spacing and counter rotation, the vortices will stay in place and simply loose intensity with time, and eventually the flow will return to a perfectly steady state. This is in fact one of the few model …

Wave Equation on a Circle

Wave Equation on a Circle

This tutorial explains how to set up and solve a generalized wave equation model on a circle, like for example for a drum or membrane, and then tracks how the initial parabolic deformed state will affect the resulting shape. The wave equation is one of the classic hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDE) of the …